How Do I Know if I Need Cataract Surgery?

Over 2.5 Canadians have at least one cataract. People over the age of 65 are more likely to develop the sight-robbing condition, but that doesn’t mean younger folks can’t get them. Eye surgery is always needed to correct the damage caused by cataracts. Therefore, cataract screening is crucial if you believe you are experiencing symptoms.

If you are not sure if the time is right to start getting tested for signs of cataracts, get a screening if your vision has started to decline. Early medical attention can keep you seeing clearly for the remainder of your life. Specific signs to look for include:

Cloudy or Blurred Vision

Initially, only a narrow portion of your visual field will be impacted by a developing cataract. You will have a blurry vision is only one direction. But as the condition progresses, the cloudiness will expand and cover your entire visual field.

Double Vision

Seeing double can be a dangerous side effect of cataracts. Your brain can’t process inflowing visual cues effectively, resulting in balance problems, falls, and difficulty operating motor vehicles.

Lens Discoloration

The clouding of the lens causes discoloration that may not be visible to other people. If colors appear dull, as if you are looking through a yellow or brown film, you are past due for a cataract screening.

Light Sensitivity, Halos, and Glare

Even normal amounts of light can be too intense for cataract sufferers. Some people also encounter disorienting halos or glare. If you experience these unsettling symptoms regularly, schedule a cataract screening without hesitation. Cataracts are a correctable eye condition, and early treatment can eliminate years of vision loss. The first step is to schedule your annual eye exam and cataract screening today.

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